10 of Australia's Best Color Realism Tattoo Artists

If you prefer your realism tattoos in full blown color rather than black and grey, then these Aussie tattooers should be on your radar.
Melbourne and Sydney used to be the cities to go to for the best tattoo artists that Australia has to offer, but social media continues to show us that the other cities have their own fair-share of talent. Save yourself the road trip because the realism tattoo artist you're looking for could be closer than you think. Here are 10 of Australia's best.
Mick Squires - The Black Mark Tattoo Studio, Victoria.
You won't find Mick Squires spending hours updating his social media accounts because he's too busy working, creating some marvelous color realism tattoos. For more of his work, click here.
David Bowie as Jareth from Labyrinth. Tattoo by Mick Squires. #realism #colorrealism #portrait #DavidBowie #labyrinth #Jareth #MickSquires
Khail Aitken - Sinister Ink, Western Australia.
It's difficult not to be in awe of Khail Aitken's tattoos. The 21-year-old continues to impress with his intense color realism work. There's more of Khail's tattoos here.
Thanos tattoo by Khail Aitken. #realism #colorrealism #TheAvengers #Thanos #KhailAitken
Tater Tatts (aka Kegan Hawkins) - Old Faithful Tattoo Studio, New South Wales.
Tater Tatts is known for both black and grey and color realism tattoos, but lately he's been doing far more color pieces. Check out some of his best tattoos here.
A selection of color realism tattoos by Tater Tatts. #realism #colorrealism #portrait #TaterTatts #BreakingBad #lion #Joker #DarthVader
Dan Molloy
He's currently over in the UK for tattooing, but Dan Molloy is originally from Western Australia. Over the years he's progressed from styled realism portraits to full-on color realism pieces.
Ripley color realism tattoo by Dan Molloy. #realism #colorrealism #portrait #Alien #Ripley #sigourneyweaver #DanMolloy
Benjamin Laukis - The Black Mark Tattoo Studio, Victoria.
What more can be said about this man that hasn't already been said? If - for some unknown reason - you're unfamiliar with the work of Benjamin Laukis, check out these posts focused on his portrait, skulls, and animal realism tattoos.
Fight Club's Tyler Durden tattoo by Benjamin Laukis. #realism #colorrealism #portrait #FightClub #BradPitt #TylerDurden #BenjaminLaukis
Kristian Kimonides - Leviathan Tattoo Gallery, Victoria.
Kristian Kimonides is known for his ability to bring television and film characters to life in tattoo form. For more of your favorites, click here.
Eleven from Stranger Things. Tattoo by Kristian Kimonides. #realism #portrait #colorrealism #Eleven #StrangerThings #KristianKimonides
Bumer - Frontyard Tattoo, South Australia.
Bumer is predominantly known for his creepy color realism tattoos, but he also does the occasional "normal" pieces.
Color realism Deadpool tattoo by Bumer. #realism #portrait #colorrealism #Deadpool #Bumer
Andrew Smith - Ink Slave Tattoos, Tasmania.
Andrew Smith's incredible color realism portraits and horror themed pieces will make you want to take a trip to the Apple Isle.
Start of a Star Wars sleeve by Andrew Smith. #realism #colorrealism #StarWars #yoda #darthvader #DarthMaul #c3po #AndrewSmith
Fabz (Fabian de Gaillande) - The Black Mark Tattoo Studio, Victoria.
If you thought color portraits were impressive, then you should see how Fabz is able to so impressively recreate water, earth and fire elements in tattoo form.
Diver and shark side piece by Fabz. #realism #colorrealism #underwater #diver #shark #water #Fabz
In true Aussie fashion, a New Zealander has made the list because, if they're talented, we like to claim them as our own.
Frederick Bain - The Black Mark Tattoo Studio , Victoria.
He's just celebrated his tenth year tattooing, but Frederick Bain is showing no signs of slowing down. For beautiful color realism animals and more floral tattoos, check out more of his work here.
Colorful floral piece by Frederick Bain. #realism #colorrealism #flowers #floral #FrederickBain
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