Fibonacci spiral tattoos: you don't have a clue? Are you curious about the originality displayed by tattoo lovers in the world?
And for those who are mastering the concept, you would probably applaud those tattoo lovers... The story starts in the 13th century, in Italy. There, mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci found a sequence of numbers able to describe biological patterns, such as the perfect geometry of Nature's products like fruits, plants and shells, using another famous concept, the golden ratio. Soon, the scientific application leaded to a wonderful tool for artists. The spiral representation of the Fibonacci sequence was used to get as close as possible of Nature's perfection. It was used in architecture, but also contemporary music like rap or hard-rock, and indeed in arts such as tattoo art. A Fibonacci spiral is hidden inside the iconic painting Mona Lisa of Leonardo da Vinci, and many tattoo artists have used this mathematical pattern. And of course, maths lovers, geeks and people fascinated by science and Nature often get Fibonacci spiral tattoos. You don't need a math degree to enjoy those examples of Fibonacci spiral tattoos, their geometric elegance, originality and creativity are speaking for themselves...