These are so funny that I'm actually laughing while I type! Sit back, relax and let the laughter be your best medicine.
These funny tattoo memes are gonna tickle your senses! Thank God for humanity's sense of humor. We need that shit. Hands down to the guys who took time to make these. Hey, we're all just havin' fun.


Oh no he didn't!!! Hahaha!

That's cute.

Freakin' Creepy!
Damn right!


Yes pleeeease!!

So what's your favorite band, Harry Potter?


Bitch, please!

True that!

Or maybe she just really loves the thing yknow?

2-second mindfuck. @___@


Oh you naughty woman!

Is this forealz?! O.o

Ever get this feeling?

Jump right in HERE for more hilarious memes!