Want a tattoo that's stylish, sophisticated and cool? Then look no further than these classy chess piece tattoos!
A chess piece or chessman is one of the 32 pieces used in the game of chess and deployed on the board. There are in fact 16 individual chess pieces used in the game, the King, the Queen, 2 Rooks, 2 Bishops, 2 Knights and 8 Pawns. One of the most popular board games of all time chess is seen as a game of patience and skill, so of course if you want a tattoo to show your patient nature a chess piece tattoo is a great choice!
Chess piece tattoos can be anyone of the game pieces and sometimes include the board as well. A cool and stylish tattoo chess piece tattoos make for some creative and sophisticated ink. Whether in black and grey realism or bold traditional color chess pieces just look awesome as body art! Take a look at these chess piece tattoos and decided which piece you'll have Tattoodo draw up for your own chess piece tattoo!