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8 Powerful & Protective Archangel Michael Tattoos

8 Powerful & Protective Archangel Michael Tattoos

Archangel Michael is a popular tattoo subject as he is the chief of all the Archangels and he brings forth protection, courage and guidance.
Michael's name means "He who is like God", and he works closest to God's Divine workings. Artistically, He is depicted as a tall, handsome and gentle figure carrying a sword which he uses to release us from the snare of fear. Let's learn more about this loving Angel as we check out these 8 powerful and protective Archangel Michael Tattoos.
Archangel Michael tattoo
Archangel Michael tattoo
Archangel Michael's chief function is to rid the earth and its inhabitants of the toxins associated with fear. He has inspired leaders such as Joan of Arc, and is the patron of Police officers as he helps with heroic deeds and bravery. (Info source: Doreen Virtue's Archangels and Ascended Masters book)
Archangel Michael was there ever since the Garden of Eden and it was he who guided Adam into farming and caring for his family when Adam and Eve got banished.
Archangel Michael tattoo
Archangel Michael tattoo
Michael is a perfect manifestation of God's mercy and was put in charge of nature. The rain, snow, wind, lightning, thunder and clouds. Ask for his protection in times of calamity and earthly changes.
Archangel Michael tattoo
Archangel Michael tattoo
Call on St. Michael anytime you need help with issues about leadership, heroism, courage, strength, motivation, protection, worthiness and direction. Angels only help if you ask for it because of our free will.
Archangel Michael tattoo
Archangel Michael tattoo
Pray to be a warrior of life, a protector of the planet; one who fights for righteousness. And Archangel Michael shall certainly help and work with you.
Tattoo by Mason Williams, Arc Light Tattoo Studio
Tattoo by Mason Williams, Arc Light Tattoo Studio
Call on him whenever you are afraid or feel vulnerable. He is the one who slays the devil and your fears away.
Tattoo by Dmitriy Bronya.
Tattoo by Dmitriy Bronya.
This armor half-sleeve makes a great Angel Michael tribute!
Archangel Michael tattoo
Archangel Michael tattoo

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humble pray. And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the Power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls, AMEN.

Written byminerva

Hi! My name’`s Minnie, writer & Tattooer at Good Hand Tattoo Philippines. We specialize in creating All-original and Custom-designed Traditional tattoos. Please show your support by following our page on Facebook :-)
