He is well know for breakdown scandals, drug use, porn star dating and crazy overall, take a look at Charlie Sheen's crazy tattoos!
Charlie Sheen has been a feature in Hollywood history for many years and have seen various sides of the fame, but one thing that people don't talk much about is his crazy tattoos, don't get me wrong he has got some cool ones, give or take around 13 tattoos, some got covered up and some got removed.

Reportedly his tattoos are: Below his chest the phrase "Death From Above" and an apple with a drop falling on it, his ex-wife's name "Denise" on his wrist that now got replace by "Winning", fire breathing Dragon's Head with eye glasses, Japanese God (Protector of Youth) that got cover up with the logo of the Cincinnati Reds, a Stingray, an open zipper with an eyeball peeking out, Burning Marlboro cigarette, Charlie Brown with "MOM" in word bubble, a sign in his chest with the note "Back in 15 minutes", a Yankees tattoo and recently got a shield with the letters MLBCES inside and a diaper pin behind it with a letters S in it.