Noose Tattoos: Wear With Care

You're probably just hangin' in there, but we hope you wear these brutal noose tattoos with a whole lotta care.
Like we said we hope you hang loose and like...are hanging in there and stuff, and that these noose tattoos don't give you the blues...but we thought we'd bring together a collection of them because they're pretty freaking brutal, and absolutely rad. They're also pretty iconic. Why? We may be enjoying a lot of freedom with tattoos these days, but that wasn't always the case. Outsiders, gang members, and jail birds are some of the tattoo communities oldest supporters. And being outside of the norm, means valuing shocking icons beyond the comprehension of white bread bros.
You could also say that perhaps noose tattoos are, obviously, right behind skull tattoos as the most infamous symbols of death. Not to say that the people who get them have a death wish or fact, most of the time getting a noose tattoo is just a bad ass way of showing you have that devil may care attitude. It also may just be funny sort of way to give the middle finger to mainstream societies fear of death, of the unknown. People with tattoos tend to take chances, and live life to the fullest...knowing well that the reason to embrace all that life has to give is that death may just be right around the corner.
While symbolism within tattooing, and visual culture in general, is almost always evolving the noose tattoo is a piece that you may have to think a lot about before getting. Not only does it have ties to prison culture, something that would be silly to identify with if you haven't actually been there, but it also has been known to be used by white supremacists as a way to show to others their affiliation. It's also worth noting that while some may get the tattoo to intimidate, or as a symbol to remind them to take full advantage of what life has to offer, noose tattoos can also symbolize a fight against depression and suicidal thoughts. Of course, with any piece, every meaning changes with every person wearing the piece. But it's always good to talk about these things with your artist or your friends! Symbol literacy, and making smart choices, goes hand in hand within the tattoo can check out our tattoo guide section for more info!