Thailand's King Maha Vajiralongkorn Shows Off His Sick Ink

This crop-top sporting, tattooed bad boy rules over one of the major nations of Southeast Asia.
Well now, who is this bad boy of the Thai monarchy, walking around in an at-best brave choice of a crop top, sporting some colorful tattoos? Why, it’s none other than the king himself, Maha Vajiralongkorn Bodindradebayavarangkun. We’d like to think his friends call him “Bodi,” if he has any. This newly-crowned ruler of Thailand looks like a really chill dude we’d love to kick it with. Here’s a rundown of what we know about the Thai ruler.
This dude came to power very recently after a long period of mourning for his father, King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who was one of the most beloved kings in the history of Thailand, ruling for 70 years. Before this, Bodi spent most of his adult life in the UK and US training with military forces and learning to fly. That's pretty chill.
And how many kings do you know with sweet tattoos? Bodi sports a back piece and some colorful arm work, who knows what's under the rest of that crop-topped bod? One thing's for sure, we really would love to see more world leaders covered in sweet tattoos.
Bodi loves sweet tattoos, but he loved his poodle Air Chief Marshall Fufu even more. It should be noted that the dog’s name was Fufu, and the first bit was its title, as the then-prince promoted Fufu to Air Chief Marshall of Thailand’s air force. In 2009, Wikileaks drew the future king’s ire by releasing a video showing his wife feeding the dog birthday cake while dressed in a g-string, which was likely only slightly more revealing than that joke of a crop top the king likes to sport. Upon the dog’s death in 2015, it was given four days of Buddhist funeral rites.
Now, insulting the monarchy of Thailand is actually considered a serious crime, so we’re going to go easy on this inked king and his stupid crop top. Do you know how easy it is to get in trouble under Thailand’s backwards laws? Just last month, Thai scholar Sulak Sivaraksa was arrested and jailed for blasphemy against the crown when he publicly doubted the historical validity of a 16th century elephant battle between the Thai king and the crown prince of Taungoo Burma. We don’t want to insult anyone, just their idiotic choices in clothes, so we’re just going to come out and say this – that elephant battle totally fucking happened.
But thankfully insults aren’t necessary for the present King of Thailand,
as he is a totally great and kickass king. His office has already demanded changes to the country’s constitution in regards to royal powers. This move is certain to delay democratic elections scheduled for the end of the year. Meanwhile, Bodi’s probably just going to be kicking back, sporting his sweet tattoos, and mourning the death of his beloved Fufu. You can rest assured, Thailand is in great hands.