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Chava Grifo Stylo Padilla


I’m a simple man, father of 5 amazing kids and husband to my beautiful soulmate . I love what I do and I do what I love tattooing it’s not my work it’s my passion, my lifestyle !!!! If you get tatted by me I will do everything I can to make your tattoo experience the best!!!!! Also I will appreciate it if you Can follow me on my Instagram @Grifotat2s. Facebook @chavagrifostylopadilla. @grifostylotattoos and join us in our group @puravidatattooclub for specials, promotions, gifts and more and don’t forget to subscribe to my YOUTUBE CHANNEL @GrifoStylo to see me in action. thanks to everyone for the love and support 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
