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VMVic Market Tattoo
Vic Market Tattoo
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Dream devouring Baku Tattoo done recently by Lachie Grenfell. - The Baku originates from Chinese folklore and has a long history in Japanese folklore. known best for feeding off of nightmares and bad dreams. According to legend, the Baku were created by the spare pieces left over when the gods finished creating all other animals. . . . @lachiegrenfell . . . #lachiegrenfell #melbournetattoo #melbournetattooist #melbournetattooer #baku #japanesetattoo #japanesetattoos #bakutattoo #japanesefolkloretattoo #japanesetattooart #japanesetattooing #armtattoo #gapfiller #northmelbournetattoo #vicmarkettattoo

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