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AFAiden Fleetwood
Aiden Fleetwood
See profile

The Gospel Story in a sequence of 7 icons. [the text is not the scriptures, merely my tattoos meaning, with scripture bases] Purple Crown - we were made to be with God. (Genesis 2:4-25) Skull - Sin was introduced by the fall of Man. (Genesis 3, Roman 3:23) Cross - since the punishment for Sin is Death, Jesus took on that punishment, but overcame Death by his resurrection. (Romans 5:8) Sheep - now, our sins are gone and we are made white as wool. (Psalm 51:7, Isiah 1:18) Baptism - we can be baptised into the death with Jesus and this serves as a declaration and in some instances an impartation of the Holy Spirit. (Roman 6:4-5) Leaf - We can now grow in the faith personally but also grow the kingdom. (2 Peter 3:18) Crown II - because of our place in this great narrative, we can in the next life return to be with God in his original Design. (Revelation 2:10)

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