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Cyril Barghini
Awesome fine details in this candle and skull sleeve Tattoo by Javier Antunez @Tattooedtheory #JavierAntunez #Tattooedtheory #Blackandgrey #Realistic #Candle #Skull #SmokeLeft arm #sleevetattoo with #blackwidow and #spiderweb, #skullshamrock and #chainlink #chanesaddiction #handtattoo #skull #skulltattoo #skullface #worldfamousink #spektradirekt2Six-horned Ram Skull Tattoo that looks three-dimensional by Javier Antunez @Tattooedtheory #JavierAntunez #Tattooedtheory #Blackandgrey #Realistic #Ramskull #ram #skull
Literally the best tattoo by Jak Connolly #JakConnolly #blackandgrey #besttattoos #portrait #lady #face #skull #lips #candles #light #handpiece #matchingtattoos #surreal #smoke #hyperrealism #realism #realistic #tattoooftheday#skulltattoo #skull #ear #little Seven deadly sins Awesome looking Lemmy, from Motorhead. Black and grey portrait tattoo #carlostorres #blackandgrey #portrait #lemmy #motorhead