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TPTaylor Pittman
Taylor Pittman
I Want A Dove Because It symbols of love, peace or as messengers. Doves appear in the symbolism of Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Paganism, and of both military and pacifist groups. I love my child and she brings me peace.Tattoo by Ruby Gore | Philadelphia, PA  #vegantattoos #lady-tattooers #rubygore #botanicaltattoo #flowers #flowertattoos #vegan #vegantattoo #veganink #ladytattooers #tattoo #tattoos #flowertattoo #floraltattoo #planttattoo #botanicaltattoo #naturetattoo #colortattoo #colortattoos #neotraditionaltattoo #neotraditionaltattoos #peonytattoo #rosetattoo #phillytattoo #phillyink #newjerseytattoo #delawaretattoo #newyorktattoo #strawberrytattoo #strawberries #berriesIllustrative moon. One of the matching sun/moon tattoos.#blackwork #dark #black #moon #sun #barbedwire #illustrative #chicago #linework #fineline #finelines #delicate #matching #matchingtattoo #stars #dotwork #dotworktattoo #blackworktattoo Sunflowers! #sunflowertattoo #blackworktattoo #illustrativetattoo #staugustinetattooartist #floridatattooartist Tattoo by Piettro Torchio #PiettroTorchio #traditional #japanese #color #surreal #peach #pussypeach
Realistic ladybug w/illustrated daisyKing & Queen #tattooart #tattooartist #color #colortattoo #crown #crowntattoo #smalltattoo #kingandqueen #flower #linework #tattooart #tattooartist #stars Sink or for appts/ commissions ...@sdtattoo#sdtg #sdtattoo #sandiego #sandiegotattoo #sandiegotattooer #neotraditional #neotraditionaltattoo #neotraditionaltattooers #alttrad #alttraditional #alternativetraditional  #newschool #newschooltattoo #illustrativetattoo #ipadpro #ipadprotattooteam #skull #skulltattooTattoo by Justin aka stillill #justin #stillill #weedtattoos #weedtattoo #weed #420 #ganja #maryjane #green