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Top 29 Best norse Tattoo Ideas (2024)

Discover the beauty and mystery of Norse mythology with our top 29 Norse-themed tattoos of 2024. From fierce Viking warriors to mythical creatures and symbols of the gods, these tattoos capture the essence of Norse culture and folklore. Browse our gallery to find inspiration for your own Norse tattoo, or simply admire the skill and artistry of these talented tattoo artists.

Explore the mystical world of Norse mythology with this stunning fine line and geometric tattoo of a wolf intertwined with runic symbols. By talented artist Gabriele Edu.
Explore the mystical world of Norse mythology with this stunning fine line and geometric tattoo of a wolf intertwined with runic symbols. By talented artist Gabriele Edu.
Experience the ancient magic of Norse runes in this illustrative tattoo by Kateryna Goshchanska.
Experience the ancient magic of Norse runes in this illustrative tattoo by Kateryna Goshchanska.
- Female Knight - •
- Female Knight - •
Realistic black and grey Norse influenced shoulder piece
Realistic black and grey Norse influenced shoulder piece
- Healed Female Knight - •
- Healed Female Knight - •
A stunning black and gray realism tattoo featuring a crow inspired by Norse mythology and Odin, done by Cara Hayward.
A stunning black and gray realism tattoo featuring a crow inspired by Norse mythology and Odin, done by Cara Hayward.
A realistic black and gray tattoo of Lagertha, a fierce Viking shieldmaiden and valkyrie from Norse mythology, with intricate rune designs and symbols of Hel.
A realistic black and gray tattoo of Lagertha, a fierce Viking shieldmaiden and valkyrie from Norse mythology, with intricate rune designs and symbols of Hel.
- Odin - - Outer part of a Healed full sleeve based on Norse mythology , Odin and his ravens - •
- Odin - - Outer part of a Healed full sleeve based on Norse mythology , Odin and his ravens - •
- Mimir - - part of an on going norse sleeve - •
- Mimir - - part of an on going norse sleeve - •
Discover the power of Norse mythology with this unique blackwork tattoo by Elisa Thirteen featuring the goddess Freya and ancient runes.
Discover the power of Norse mythology with this unique blackwork tattoo by Elisa Thirteen featuring the goddess Freya and ancient runes.
- Female Knight part of an on going full sleeve - •
- Female Knight part of an on going full sleeve - •
Realistic black and gray portrait of Freya, the powerful Viking goddess of love and war, captured by artist Cara Hayward.
Realistic black and gray portrait of Freya, the powerful Viking goddess of love and war, captured by artist Cara Hayward.
- Valkyrie - •
- Valkyrie - •
Black and gray tattoo featuring a realistic illustration of the Norse goddess Freya surrounded by ancient runes, done by Cara Hayward.
Black and gray tattoo featuring a realistic illustration of the Norse goddess Freya surrounded by ancient runes, done by Cara Hayward.
Finger tattoos / black tattoo
Finger tattoos / black tattoo
Experience the wrath of Loki in this stunning black and gray illustrative tattoo by Lauren.
Experience the wrath of Loki in this stunning black and gray illustrative tattoo by Lauren.
- Odin - - Fresh vs Healed - •
- Odin - - Fresh vs Healed - •
Finished Norse inspired neotraditional sleeve, background and some elements still fresh, rest healed.
Finished Norse inspired neotraditional sleeve, background and some elements still fresh, rest healed.
Finished Norse inspired neotraditional sleeve, background and some elements still fresh, rest healed.
Finished Norse inspired neotraditional sleeve, background and some elements still fresh, rest healed.
Finished Norse inspired neotraditional sleeve, background and some elements still fresh, rest healed.
Finished Norse inspired neotraditional sleeve, background and some elements still fresh, rest healed.
finger tattoos
finger tattoos
Freya + fehu rune
Freya + fehu rune
- The Obol Coin - - Fresh vs Healed - •
- The Obol Coin - - Fresh vs Healed - •
Warrior #blackwork
Warrior #blackwork
Custom Neotraditional black and grey, Viking/Berserker influenced shoulder piece. Part fresh, part healed.
Custom Neotraditional black and grey, Viking/Berserker influenced shoulder piece. Part fresh, part healed.