I first got tattooed by Holly in May 2018 and the whole experience was fabulous! I was the only appointment that day so it was just Holly, me and Ted the Wonderpup!
Holly gave me a stunning samurai hedgehog that day and we discussed the possibility of a companion piece on the opposite leg at some point in the future
Fast forward to early 2019 and I had saved enough so I e-mailed Holly and have her just two words for the tattoo I wanted - Geisha Squirrel
I was happy to let Holly tun with the idea and didn’t see the finished design until I turned up at the studio
This time it was a different, but no less fabulous, experience as there were other artists and customers around
Ted was just as lush as before though, and my new tattoo is stunning
I can honestly say that the two pieces Holly had given me are my favourites and I would love to get more work from her in the future