Qualche anno fa decisi di aggiungere un tatuaggio e trovai questo Fantastico Studio in rete!
Guardai i loro lavori e decisi di dargli un’opportunità!
Cominciai con un lavoro sulla schiena eseguito e partorito dalla mente di Riki, che con le sue Fantastiche mani riuscì a creare un meraviglioso tatuaggio!
Poi ne feci un altro dove vi fu la collaborazione tra Riki e la Mitica Cri Sky, ne uscì un braccio da invidiare!
Ma non è solo la loro bravura, bensì il modo in cui ti mettono a tuo agio, la loro simpatia ed il clima armonioso!! Uno Studio con la S maiuscola!
Tutt’ora mi tatuo nel loro Studio e penso di non abbandonarli Mai!! A few years ago I decided to add a tattoo and found this Fantastic Studio on the net!
I looked at their work and decided to give it an opportunity!
I started with a back job performed and delivered by Riki's mind, which with his Fantastic hands managed to create a wonderful tattoo!
Then I made another where there was collaboration between Riki and the Mythical Cri Sky, came out an arm to envy!
But it is not only their skill, but the way they put you at ease, their sympathy and the harmonious climate !! A study with a capital S!
I still tattooed in their studio and I think I will never abandon them!
I looked at their work and decided to give it an opportunity!
I started with a back job performed and delivered by Riki's mind, which with his Fantastic hands managed to create a wonderful tattoo!
Then I made another where there was collaboration between Riki and the Mythical Cri Sky, came out an arm to envy!
But it is not only their skill, but the way they put you at ease, their sympathy and the harmonious climate !! A study with a capital S!
I still tattooed in their studio and I think I will never abandon them!